“The Rules” – What Should They Be?


Since this is Chuck’s site, final word on the rules is always up to him, but it seems we should have a page describing how things work and so haw about some discussion on “the rules” as opposed to mechanics and desired features.

For example, we want to keep most of the blatant sales pitches for books or whatever in a different section and keep the main blog free for discussion on “common sense economics”.

Not too much real bad cussin.

No “Republicans” or “democrats” on this site. we can discuss people’s and parties’ policies, but don’t put a label on yourself to be condemned to defending someone else’s predigested opinions. We want people on here who will discuss ideas with an open mind, respectfully, with logic of some sort.

A scientist is always open to change when presented with convincing new data…

No filibusters or spamming, No abusing anyone’s information or subjecting anyone to ridicule in a post of information here to other sites ( though we should want to branch out and network–notice the “like” buttons.

I’m sure everybody has something to add to this. Then Chuck can digest it and we’ll come up with some list of Rules to post on “the RULES’ page



Posted by at February 27, 2012
Filed in category: Suggestions for Blog features,

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