Approaching 75? There, already? Read this and weep
Washington appears to be set to establish the “cap and tax on longevity” at age 75 starting in 2013-after the
Also referred to as the “put a lid on ’em and tax the remains,” It appears 2013 will bring in 75 as the initial maximum age for government granted life-prolonging efforts.
As time goes by, ethics panels may reduce this limit on the estimated utility of elders to decrease the squandered cost of health care in the final years and preserve a higher proportion of the personal earnings of the discarded old folks for appropriation by the treasury.
Eventually, this will allow shifting a larger proportion of lifetime earnings into programs for more vital younger recipients so they can afford the higher quality of life afforded by more electric cars made in Norway and Bird-control turbines manufactured in China.(both of which are subsidized under the stimulus program) Provision of bird control to all may be mandated,ignoring any individual religious objections.
Item 1-Death tax relief expires:
Congress passed H.R. 4853, the Middle Class Tax Relief Act, and temporarily set the Death tax (or “penalty?”) at its current rate. This legislation will expire at the end of 2012 and the death tax will return to 55% with a $1 million exemption on January, 1, 2013, unless Congress acts to permanently repeal the tax.
In a conversation about the “future,” Dr. Suzanne Allen, head of emergency services at the Johnson City Medical Center in Tennessee , was asked if she has seen any affects of Obama Care in her work.
“Oh, yes. We are seeing cutbacks throughout the services we provide. For example, we are now having to deal with patients who would normally receive dialysis can no longer be accepted. In the past, there was always automatic approval under Medicare for anyone who needed dialysis — not anymore.”
So, what will be their outcome? “They will die soon without dialysis,” she stated.
What about other services? She indicated as of 2013 (after the election), no one over 75 will be given major medical procedures unless approved by locally
administered Ethics Panels. These Panels will determine whether a patient receives medical treatment or not. While details on specific operating procedures and schedules, Dr. Allen points out that most life-threatening emergencies do not occur during normal hospital business hours,
and if there are emergencies that depend to be resolve within minutes or just few hours, the likely hood of getting these Panels approval in time to save a life are going to be very challenging and difficult, if not impossible she said.
This applies to major operations such as receiving stents, bypass surgery, kidney operations, or treating for an aneurysm that would be normally covered under Medicare today. In other words, if you needed a life-saving operation, Medicare will not provide coverage anymore after 2013 if you are 75 or over. When in 2013? “We haven’t been given a specific date — could be in January or July….but it’s after the election.”
This is shocking to any of us who will be 75 this year. Her advice — get healthy and stay healthy.
We do not know the specifics of the actual implementation of the full Obama Care policies and procedures — “they haven’t filtered down to the local level yet.
But we are already seeing severe cuts in what we provide to the elderly — we refused dialysis to an individual who was 78 just the other day….we refused to give stents to a gentleman who was in his late 80s.”
Every day, she said, we are seeing these cutbacks aimed at reducing care across
the board for anyone who is over 75.
This is a death sentence to those who are over 75… perhaps you should pass this on to your friends who are thinking of voting for Obama this year.
Regardless if you have private health care coverage now (a Medicare supplement)
— it will no longer apply after 2013 if the Ethics Panels disapprove of a
procedure that may save your life.
Didn’t know about it? Of course, not. As Nancy Pelosi said….”well, if you want to know what’s in the bill, you’ll have to read it…” after it was passed.
This is a graphic reminder of the need to stay healthy. Get your plot now at Forest Lawn… while they last. Is this a death sentence to those of us who will reach 75?… Yes!
Please do pass this along to those in your address book.
Dr. Suzanne C. Allen, MD is a real person:
suzanne-allen-2cbdp No mention in
What the Government Giveth, the Government May take away (administratively Revise)
Isn’t it about time that congress declare health care to be a RIGHT?!”
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